Thursday, May 10, 2012

Rituals of relocation

I know more about moving than I want to, from round-the-corner house-swapping to interstate professional relocations. This upcoming move has its peculiar features. 

For example: distance--the furthest by far. Most of our moves have been within communities, plus one from Arizona to California. This one will be across the country--too far to schlep David's favorite chair and my cedar chest.

Which leads to the next peculiarity: not taking our things with us. At least, not the chair and the cedar chest. Household furniture and keepsakes will be left in with our five children, each in their own household in the San Francisco Bay Area. Such essentials as clothes, cookware, and (some) books will come with us to GMU. 

My days, then, are focused on preparing to move. Specifically, while David finishes his masters, the elements of the move that are personal to me: paring down the personal items that must be moved, or take up precious storage with the kids. A brutal standard, but bracing. I go to.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rah Rah Rah!

"...whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest I will lodge: thy people shall be my people..."
        Ruth 1:16

Like Ruth, I'm ready to pack. Unlike Ruth, I speak not to my mother-in-law, but to her son David, my husband of--never mind how many years. 

The whither he goes is Fairfax, Virginia, to study economics with the intent of graduating with a Ph.D. in three years.

Where he lodgest is not yet determined. We are still working on the housing angle. 

And his people? The faculty and fellow-students of George Mason University, home of the Patriots, green and gold. He has acquired a school sweater, beginning the adoption of his new identity, his new people. His people shall be my people.

No, I'm not going to be an economics groupie, haunting Enterprise Hall with a basket of homemade cookies, hoping to be accepted by the supply-and-demand crowd. But the shared identity David and I have forged over decades of marriage and children will make me at least an incidental Patriot. Maybe I'll get a mug for my desk.